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Omg Its Huge!


Big changes on the Creative Server.

100 x 100 plots

The ability to merge your plots into a mega plot. - that's a 200 x 200 block plot for you Diplos.

You can now spawn animals.

and don't forget those Pets

Come check it out and get your new plot today


This un-nessisarily HUGE plot gives me much room for my RP-ing and my building, not to mention the animals I can now spawn. The only bad thing is, getting to plots are alot harder now. Otherwise, I'm lovin' it! :mrgreen:

Nov 23 2014 06:04 PM

If you are having a little trouble getting to a plot visit the neighboring plot, that seems to work. 

You have no idea how disturbing that sounds....

Survival has cookies come to the survival side!!!